How I built this website?
Step by Step Instructions
Following is the outline of the steps to create this simple website you are on.
First, go to to register a website. I choose not to do it via Godaddy like the hosting platform since they fold in extra fees that I did not find here.
I do not like popping ads every time I visit websites, so there are no affiliate marketing links, ads on my website. So the readers are not interrupted with continuous shifting screens. And screen within screens!!
The small fee of a mere $11 per year is affordable enough along with Google Site, that I do not have to add extra links embedded in my website.
For an essential website, google site templates are free and easy to build it. The current site is built using Google Site.
Choose a template for your overall site.
Think through your navigation, header, footer. Think about broad categories on your menu bar, main menu, sub-menu, types, and content.
Adding a page is super easy, using the built-in tool to add new pages.
Since English is not my first language, I used Grammarly Premium to edit the content for the website. Use the discount code from Cal Newport's Podcast to get 20% off your annual subscription for the Deep Question Listeners.
Use for creating images, infographics, posters, and flyers you will add to your website content.
Lastly, remember perfection is the enemy of progress, so don't wait for perfection. Just publish, come back often to iterate.
So the total yearly cost for this website at present is standing at $11/year. Since the website is built using google site so I do not pay any monthly fees etc. to maintain the website.