Lessons as an Individual Contributor

Working for a startup earlier in my career was a boon, since I built most of my career capital during these formative years. Plenty of mistakes, plenty of reflection of how to create a resilient systems and along the way plenty of studying other successful engineers and companies to emulate and adopt best practices.

The following books were foundational for me in making me a good software engineer:

  1. Effective Java 3rd Edition by Joshua Bloch (Author)

  2. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship - Robert C. Martin

  3. Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design (Robert C. Martin Series) 1st Edition by Robert Martin

  4. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (2nd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Fowler)) 2nd Edition by Martin Fowler (Author)

  5. Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Fowler)) 1st Edition by Jez Humble (Author), David Farley (Author)

Principles Followed

  • Think first, Type Later!

    • I spend significant amount of time upfront deconstructing requirements, how will I test it, what is the definition of done beyond - "Its working on my machine!". I would document rudimentary wiki on entity relationship diagrams, basic class diagram and a cursory module documentation outlining my design decision and the "why" behind my design decisions.

  • TDD, TDD, TDD - Any language I studied, Java, Python , Ruby - I was obsessed with JUnit or PyUnit and code coverage tools.

    • TDD forced me to clarify requirements before I start typing the program. It forces you to think through scenarios of acceptance criteria, clarifying the requirements up front. Since without a clear problem understanding, one can never achieve a good test coverage.

    • The practice of TDD paid off, since focussing on quality over the long tenure of my engineering contribution, I was able to build credibility of quality contribution.

      • Focus on quality vs. quantity. I would rather have 3 things I never come back to unless requirements changes vs. 6 things with poor quality.

  • The clean code book's suggestion of a single method no longer than 10 lines is easier to maintain, follow Single Responsibility Principle and not to mention apply TDD and achieving code coverage easily.

  • Martin Fowler : “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.”

    • This was my guide post for ensuring the code I write can be understood by a graduating CS final year student.

    • During my start up days, hiring fresh graduates from SDSU, this principle paid off in the long run. Handing over existing systems to a newbie was easier, since code was easier to read and understand.

      • My litmus test for my contribution followed Martin Fowler's principle or not was - I measured how many times the engineer taking over post hand-off tutorial is coming back to me for clarification.


Following YouTube content shaped my work ethic as an individual contributor early on.

  • Focus on High Leverage Activities

    • Leverage = Impact Produced / Time Invested

  • Optimize for Learning

  • Prioritize Regularly

  • Invest in Iteration Speed

  • Measure what you want to Improve

  • Validate your ideas early and often.

  • Improve project estimation skills.

  • Balance Quality with Pragmatism

  • Reduce Operational Complexity

  • Fail Fast

  • Relentlessly Automate

  • Invest in your team's Growth

  • It’s all about the fundamentals.

  • Be good at something.Work hard. Be prepared.

  • Have specific dreams. Never lose the child-like Wonder.

  • Brick walls are there for a reason.

  • When you don’t get what you want, you get experience.

  • It’s not what you say, but how you say it.

  • Get somebody to be reflective.

  • Get a feedback loop and listen to it.

  • Show gratitude.

  • Find the best in everybody.

  • Always have fun!

  • Don’t complain. Just work harder.

  • When Nobody’s Saying Anything to You Anymore, That Means They Gave Up.

  • Leadership Skills from Captain Kirk.

  • If you lead your life the right way, your dreams will come to you.

  • Edward Deming's principle - Cease dependence on outside agency for validation -Bake quality in.

  • If it hurts, do it often (It == deployment)

  • CI/CD is the way forward to iterating faster

  • Continuous feedback through massive automated pipelines.

  • Jez Humble's talk inspired me to study deeply Edward Deming and TPS

  • The talk had a profound impact on making me think about, can one reverse engineer the business logic of the code to write reading reading Unit Test Code?

  • Watching this talk, I internalized few foundational principles for how to write good testable code. What transpired as I adopted was the code was much simpler.

  • Rule of thumb for me later in life - if I am scratching my head seeing a code blob, how to test this - implies the code is not written in a simpler, logical way with testability in mind.

  • Writing Testable Code

  • Guide: Writing Testable Code